By Dumbass - 20/06/2009 06:01 - United States

Today, I bought a new mailbox to replace the old one that was stolen. Two hours after I put the new mailbox up, the old one was back and the new one was missing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 443
You deserved it 35

Top comments

haha! thats hilarious! they probbaly preferred the new one. if i were you i'd check the neighbourhood for your new one.

Dude you either have a possessed mailbox post or an asswipe of a neighbor


ombrelle 0

Hahahaha, at least you still have a mailbox!

Rig it up with some grenades so as they yank the box off they will have relieved the grenades of their pins and as they proceed on their mad dash have a few second before being turned into confetti for all neighbors to see and when you get out of jail in 20 years any neighbors that will remember you know that you do not F*** with your mailbox!

Kristoffer 35

20 years for first degree murder? Try life in prison - or the death penalty.

Depends on where you live and how many offenses. But using the exact scenario that I have laid out may take just a little longer.

you would get off scotch free in texas

Probably someone mentioned it already, btu at leat they have the courtesy to return the old one to you, but still, it's def. a FML. XD

Muscle_Car_Fan 0

Ha, that's pretty awesome. At least you've got to appreciate their creative efforts.

garry24 0

hahahahahahahaha. ive done that before. just not in broad daylight

If they're gonna use it, you can easily find it. I wish I could have a mailbox. D:

bollywood_rocks 0

Not if they paint it a different colour. If it's the standard black one with the red thing that EVERYONE(30 houses) have on my street then it won't be that easy to find out who took it.