By dickhead - 10/04/2015 22:17 - United States

Today, I bought a garden gnome to spice up my lawn. Tonight, someone threw it right through my living room window. Not only will the repairs cost a ton, my neighbor keeps saying stupid shit to me, like "You must be shattered" and "Looks like you ain't got a window gnome... more." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 166
You deserved it 3 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexiieeex3 32

I'm sorry, but who buys a garden gnome to "spice up their lawn"


Through it through their windows and then make shitty puns and see how they like it

momac86 17

They're probably the one that did it

that's awful, you'd think he'd of gnome better

A garden gnome was thrown through your window? Were there any witnesses to this? Did anyone register its Travel (vel) ocity?

cheshireau 26

I wonder if he did it for ***** and Giggles?

PokeyPorcupine 18

I want to meet your neighbor.

What is it with people stealing and smashing garden gnomes? Honestly i think those fake deer are uglier.

I really don't want to know your idea of spicing up your sex life.

Girlie7 11

Why don't you put the blame on him?