By run4fun - 23/06/2011 18:56 - United States

Today, I attempted to bleach my body hair so I wouldn't have to shave. A little while later, I realized that I'd also succeeded in bleaching my skin, which was incredibly noticeable. I'm hosting a pool party this weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 844
You deserved it 49 052

Same thing different taste

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2123142 2

OMG I bleached my arms before and the same thing happened to me! The color will come back soon :)

That's really why I say natural is best. But oh well, it's your life.

Tell everyone you're trying a natural look:)

You're that lazy to shave? Bleaching costs more and takes more time to accomplish.

get a gake tan if it botjers you so much

Haleyz_a_BOSS 0