By hopelesscollegestudent - 21/09/2012 16:22 - Canada

Today, I asked my college chemistry teacher for some much-needed help. Instead of explaining anything to me, she scoffed that if I don't understand something, I should "just Google it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 031
You deserved it 2 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If everyone Googled everything, no one would need to pay your teacher's salary.

jDCrackpot 7

If you're in college you're paying to be taught, not paying to google everything instead. Go above her and make a complaint and see if she still doesn't feel like doing her job.


lilmisslivid 0

The education system at its finest. Your professor sucks ,should've told them to google how to be a good educator. Fyl

I had a calculus instructor (GTA) that literally said the same thing every time someone would ask him a question. He was terrible. When he was evaluated by one of the professors, she told said she wanted to take the chalk out of his hand and do it herself b/c all the crap he was writing on the board was wrong.

pregnantpianist 2

Sounds like my prof for harmony. She constantly offered to help us in the campus cafe and then she'd basically send us away and tell us to use google when we went to her for help. >_

softpaws 17

Thats what my chemistry teacher says...

mrsmaglietta 6

Well the colleges I have attended so far have all had a teacher review survey at the end of each semester. Hopefully, OP, yours does too and you can be very honest about how this teacher talks to their students and their lack of professionalism.

Controversial topic here. First I want to say that really does suck. Especially since you are trying so hard as evidenced by yielding u asking your prof for help and so she should help you. However, that being said, profs do have a tough job and are asked a lot of really stupid questions that could easily be answered by a quick Google search or wiki search or your textbook.

devore504 7

well you not in high school anymore. i would never ask for a teacher help after high school.

Use khan academy! It taught me everything in calculus, chemistry, science, and language arts that my teacher couldn't explain.

I don't think you are paying Google for your degree.