By riiiighhhttttt - 05/08/2013 05:38 - United States - Laurel

Today, I actually had to explain to my sister that Shrek was not in fact based on a true story. She replied that I'm a "clueless twat". FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 692
You deserved it 4 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And now you're gonna tell me Santa isnt real too?

rg350dx 29

You might want to consider dental hygiene if you're old enough to live alone and are still losing teeth.


Based on the language and nature of this FML, I'm guessing old enough to know better.

LadyMiyako 2

Um the character Sherk is based on a real person so your sister is kinda right.

OP, come on, you should know by now that, when dealing with your sister, you have to repeat to yourself "You can't fix stupid, you can't fix stupid!" When you say that, it won't hurt so much when the clueless twat calls you a clueless twat, or gets drunk and compares you favorably to Shamu!! Hang in there, OP, your sister's doomed to an idiot's life while you might be marginally smarter!!

sailbot1 4

Exactly. I haven't heard many 10 year olds saying that.

YDI. She probably was referring to it being based off the book Shrek! Written in 1990 by William Tieg or that the character for Shrek was modeled off the French wrestler Maurice Tillet.

Wizzlbang 10

You better check yourself before you Shrek yourself, OP.

Tabbir 10

This sounds exactly like my sister

There is nothing wrong with having a child's imagination as long as it doesn't affect your real life. How do you think authors write books and screen writers write scripts??