By sillymink - 20/08/2016 02:06 - United States

Today, I accidentally farted in the middle of my grandfather's funeral and my cousin started cracking up. It caused a chain reaction of laughter throughout all of the other cousins and my siblings. Now my aunts won't speak to any of us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 735
You deserved it 2 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There is no reason why your Aunts raised such a big stink about it.

That's some strong laughing gas right there...


At least it wasn't silent but deadly. Then you'd have even more funerals to attend.

im assuming your cousins are immature 8 yr olds

mermaidgirle 12

Fart humor transcends age, language, gender and all the boundaries. It's universal!

FYL indeed OP Not sure what the ages of your cousins and siblings are, but I'm guessing they were fairly young to all crack up so much

I'm so sorry for your loss, and especially sorry that you bore the brunt of laughter. The fact is that many people find themselves at funerals even though the are experiencing grief. Just know that anything would have made them laugh. It was only misfortune that you provided the stimulus.

Be happy , if she's that sensitive it was bound to happen one day.

chrisbeaudoin 26

I agree with what you said #10 but it seems as if you are having a conversation/argument with yourself.

Your grandpa probably would have laughed if he were there. The aunts will recover and laugh about it later. It's a rough time for someone losing a parent.

momac86 17

That stinks... I gas none of the adults found it as funny... Sorry for ur loss tho