By Username - 03/02/2011 04:46

Today, I accidentally drank my sister's science project. Her science project consisted of taking a glass of orange juice and putting maggots in it to see if they would live. I thought it was just pulp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 943
You deserved it 24 909

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you just drink a random glass of juice that was just sitting out for no reason?


aznmex21 3

..........................good luck!

So, animal cruelty is a science project?

Oh lord, grow up. It's not animal cruelty. Maggots get into food and all manner of worse things and are fine.

rofl you really think hurting maggots is animal cruelty.. well then stop killing all the insects you kill daily by walking and steping on them and with your body fluids rofl Maggots are not animals

bropei 0

wtf? Did you fail middle school bio? Insects are animals. Your opinions on the worthiness of maggot life are whatever, but don't be ignorant about it.

Leaving that in the fridge in the open is almost like she's asking for that to happen. She could have put a post-it note on it or something. Maybe the real project was seeing if people would drink maggots.

nickflackafury 0

you thought maggot sized maggots were pulp...? id say that one is on you pal. maggots are a tad bigger than flakes of orange.

FlyWillis 0

Why didn't you just make you own glass? YDI. Even if there weren't maggots in there, why would you drink an already made glass of a drink? Lazy ass. It's not yours.

what kind of ******* science project is drowning maggots in juice?

i think I just threw up a little as I'm sure you did when you found out. eurgh!

Did you also drink your moms lemonade too?

KrustyPr022 0