By itrustedsnapeallalong - 28/08/2009 04:23 - United States

Today, for the first time, I hugged the man I have been in love with for four years. It was a congratulatory hug at his wedding to my best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 932
You deserved it 14 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This may sound mean, but you should've gotten over it after they started dating.


turboawesome88 0

**** your best friend's life, more like it, for choosing such tools to keep in their company.

capthavoc123 0

Way to be a complete wuss and never say anything. You completely deserve the misery.

Shmoopie4 0

Ugh. That does suck. And all these people saying to 'get the f over it' obviously have no idea what they're talking about. Sometimes it's not as simple as that.

capthavoc123 0

No, it is as simple as all that. She was in love with the guy, and she didn't have the guts to speak up. She deserves not to have him. Now that she can't have him, she needs to move on. You snooze, you lose.

mo_the_owl 0

This is one of the only true FML's i've ever seen. Thats rough. But you're obviously a good friend.

Am I a bad person for not having sympathy for these "I've been in love for X years" fmls? There must be a point at which you say to yourself, either make a move or get over him. Just mooning over him for years is so middle school.

chels27 0

That really sucks. I don't know if you did....but you should have told him your feelings for him.

It's too bad about that. (Btw you'd NEVER hugged him before? Honey, I hug people when I MEET them.) Well, you now have 2 options: a) tell yourself he's married and committed and get over him, find someone else and be happy, have fun b) pine for him for the rest of your life and be miserable

YDI for being a dumb bitch who thinks shes in love with someone she didnt even know.

killinmesmalls 0

YDI for setting yourself up for failure. Get over it. I bet you're one of those pop culture ****** who obsesses over shit like twilight. Find someone else there are more than enough men to deal with in this country.