By Rohirus - 07/06/2012 23:09 - Sweden

Today, during the early hours, I got hungry and went to grab something to eat. I entered the kitchen, only to see my stark-naked dad sitting at the table, eating cereal and reading the paper. He just nodded at me and said, "Son." I think I need a new pair of eyes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 537
You deserved it 2 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheFamilyElf 17

You know what they say. It's only awkward if you make it awkward. Just kidding, that's awkward as hell any way you slice it.

blondebrunette11 4

Did he wink when he said "Son" ..?


Tali147 16

I wouldn't sit down at all. My appetite would be gone.

You coulda joined him at the table, naked! :D Father-bonding time! :P

Looks like u got a good blow out of that

Your mom refused to make him a sandwich after.

rachdrenck 0

That was his nice way of telling you its time to move out!

SystemofaBlink41 27

I like how it sounds that he said it non-chalantly

MerrikBarbarian 9

For some reason I read this with Darth Vader's voice for the father... Which presented a very odd (if amusing) mental image.

good luck with the eyes.. a good, new pair of eyes is hard to come by these days