By lostmyfaithinblowjobs - 12/01/2013 02:16 - Australia - Queanbeyan

Today, during an hour-long drive, my sister told me she's lost her "faith in humanity", because one of her friends bought his 8-year-old son an iPad. She uses this stupid expression all the time, and I got so pissed off that I forgot to brake at a red light, rear-ending the car in front of us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 480
You deserved it 51 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This fml makes me lose all faith in humanity...

AwkwardHaole808 16

Unfortunately, getting pissed off is no excuse for not using your breaks.


runnerbabe922 7

My four year old nephew has an iPod, iPhone 5 and iPad -_-

I'm sick of this expression being overused too. Why did she lose faith in humanity? Because an eight year old child's parents thought he/she deserved an ipad? What is she jealous? Tell her to wake up, it's 2013 and kids should be getting into technology early anyway. You can't honestly expect to see kids of today playing hopscotch or drawing with chalk for entertainment.

Mf2307 15

how does being pissed off at someone make u not push the brakes to stop so you don't get into an accident I wouldn't think you would lose total concentration from that

ko0lio 1

My two year old nephew has an Ipad...

YDI, drivers with that lack of awareness is what makes me lose faith in humanity while driving.... ...well, atleast i tried...

Wow YDI! I really hope that's the excuse you gave to the cops!

Now ur probably even more pissed since ur car is wrecked

Derpylicious 3

Your miserable failure at dealing with something so trivial has made me lose faith in humanity.

But seriously. The **** does an eight-year-old need an iPad for?