By lostmyfaithinblowjobs - 12/01/2013 02:16 - Australia - Queanbeyan

Today, during an hour-long drive, my sister told me she's lost her "faith in humanity", because one of her friends bought his 8-year-old son an iPad. She uses this stupid expression all the time, and I got so pissed off that I forgot to brake at a red light, rear-ending the car in front of us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 480
You deserved it 51 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This fml makes me lose all faith in humanity...

AwkwardHaole808 16

Unfortunately, getting pissed off is no excuse for not using your breaks.


Translation: it is all her fault that I was not paying attention.

My 3 year old sister has an iPad and I don't see an issue of giving a toddler advanced technology. She learned a lot of things from the educational apps and she always watches her favoutite cartoons in it.

onorexveritas 23

its annoying when people overuse expressions like that, but I think you overreacted a little?

There's a lot of good educational things on iPads for kids. It's probably better for them than letting them watch tv 24/7. At least they might learn something. Also, ydi. How do you forget such a basic thing. :/

There's no problem with giving a kid an iPad..

Wow. The grammar nazis are really off their game recently. Dear world: commas and periods ALWAYS go inside the quotation marks.

Satoaoi 13

the important thing is your all still alive

Thats no excuse to be a bad driver. Enjoy your high premium..

No jokes about the ******** part of the username?