By lostmyfaithinblowjobs - 12/01/2013 02:16 - Australia - Queanbeyan

Today, during an hour-long drive, my sister told me she's lost her "faith in humanity", because one of her friends bought his 8-year-old son an iPad. She uses this stupid expression all the time, and I got so pissed off that I forgot to brake at a red light, rear-ending the car in front of us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 480
You deserved it 51 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This fml makes me lose all faith in humanity...

AwkwardHaole808 16

Unfortunately, getting pissed off is no excuse for not using your breaks.


1crabbygirl 10

Absolutely *everyone* in your family *constantly* overreacts, OP.

Your sister is right though. iPad for an 8 year old.. I never understood that.

I don't like that expression either really. I think with an ipad too - it depends. I wouldn't have much problem with it - I don't really know. But can I just ask... what is with your username?? :P

Maybe you should have put down YOUR iPad

I lost faith in humanity a long time ago. You're one of the reasons why.

BH1126 11

You can't talk to the passenger and drive at the same time? Ô_o

I just witnessed a car barely make contact with a shiny new car as big as the Hindenburg. Oh, the humanity... All the whiplash. It apears to be a car full of Nuns all trying to call lawyers... I can't go on... Oh the humanity...

Epikouros 31

I don't understand why adults use iPads, when they're old enough to use a proper computer, but an eight-year old seems like the ideal user for an iPad.

Maria_Obligacia 14

If you can't drive because of little expressions somebody is using, do us all a favor and DO NOT DRIVE!!!