By Anonymous - 23/02/2015 07:45 - United States - Hatfield

Today, away at college, I called my grandmother to hear how she was doing after her knee surgery. She ended up talking about Hooters and how I should work there because of my "rare body". When I mentioned I've been studying computer science, earning a 3.8 GPA, she replied, "But you're a girl." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 441
You deserved it 3 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmPaul 49

Well, she certainly has an archaic way of thinking.

iAmPaul 49

It pisses me off when people say that. Being old does NOT make it ok to say those reprehensible things with her outdated values and mindset.


Definitely a different generation. Ignore her, and so what if you are a female? Get that degree you have worked hard for.

ashweaver 12

At least she won't be disappointed in you if you do work at hooter ¯_(ツ)_/¯

A "rare body" is all you need in soft ware

But that rare body turns all the software into hardware.

You want to address servers. She wants an undressed server.


probably the medication from her knee surgery, happens to the best of us, LOL

On the bright side, at least she thinks your cute.

Geez, OP, you're never going to catch a man with your brain hanging out like that. And you can't cook chicken wings with a computer. Seriously, though, good job at school. Just smile and nod when grandma is speaking.

Chaith 16

Humblebrag city. Enjoy your big hooters and 3.8 GPA