By lucki - 27/10/2010 06:50 - Canada

Today, at work, there is a rumor going around that I'm gay. Somewhat curious at how did this start, I asked a co-worker. He said I was seen 3 days ago at a mall holding hands with someone who looks like a guy from behind. Three days ago, I was at the mall with my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 461
You deserved it 3 892

luckiXiii tells us more.

OP here, going to try and clarify all misunderstanding. #1: i'm a 100% heterosexual male! #2: my girlfriend is pretty and i love her for all she's worth. #3: i'm well known in my circle of friends and their families, so they can tell it's me even from behind. #4: the reason why my girlfriend was mistaken for a guy, was probably because she had short hair, and she was wearing my baggy jacket which i let her borrow because she was cold that day. And I took some of the advice from people here and brought her to work! Showed those people a thing or two! Haha!

Top comments

pretty sure a guy can date a girl who may have hair as short as a male without being considered gay? women have every right to have their hair or style how they want it without being called a lesbian/boy/butch etc


bluelily_ 0

Awwwww thats mean! :/ but I'm sure shes beautiful :) ...Dont listen to those bastards.

Not F your life, F your girlfriend's life.

wriptidez 0
perdix 29

News Flash! You ARE gay. Men who date manly-looking women are just repressed homosexuals. Cut the crap and finally start dating actual dudes instead of ugly chicks that approximate dudes.

so lesbians who date butch/ manly looking women are repressed heterosexuals?

perdix 29

Yes, you are probably right on that one.

you work with idiots. time to look for another job :)

Hey, good news, it's only from behind. Glue a piece of cardboard to the back of your girlfriend and bring her to work and show her off!

nayminaj23 0

Big deal, prolly OP's GF is tall & athletic & was wearing jeans & sneakers/flip-flops, ie, not screaming "I'm a barbie girl"; I pity those who've nothing b8r to do than gossip abt a coworker's sex life with no real facts