By PFCdavila - 23/03/2011 03:46 - United States

Today, at work, a coworker started to tell me about his weekend, without me even asking. Halfway through his story, I started to daydream and lost track of time. Bored, I told him, "Hey man, I'll call you back, I've got to get back to work." Then I remembered I wasn't on the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 394
You deserved it 46 352

PFCdavila tells us more.

PFCdavila 6

it was my third double, back to back. i was a walking zombie. lol

Top comments

perdix 29

You should have told him you were driving and it wasn't safe to talk on the cell. If you're gonna lie, go big!


mintcar 9

You should've stayed on the phone. How rude. :p

thanks for sharing op, that's hilarious. Must be awkward when you share shifts with that coworker now

perdix 29

You should have told him you were driving and it wasn't safe to talk on the cell. If you're gonna lie, go big!

Or, that your plane was about to take off, and you had to turn off your phone...

You do realize he wasn't actually on the phone right...?

Lmao, so smooth OP. I doubt he will bore you with more stories anytime soon though!

tahvoh 3

hahahaha. Ima try that joke!:P

ohrlynow 9

I bet his expression was hilarious after you said that.

I hate it when people verbally assault my ears without permission. "hey what are you doing?" "watching a movie" "oh cool! so guess what happened to me two months ago"

cptmorgan15 2

Last time I checked your idea of "verbal assault" meant making conversation. A conversation doesn't have to start with a question, it can just start with a story or an idea.

monstersocks 5

It would just be ADD, ADHD would imply that the can't sit still either.

Autoshot 9

I think you mean epic moron.

Why is it all the fugly dudes have a no fat chicks t-shirt?

PFCdavila 6

not ADD or ADHD. Auto - Pilot.