By Anonymous - 22/05/2010 00:19 - United States

Today, at the pool, I tried to impress the hot lifeguard by doing the perfect dive. Afterward, I realized my shorts were floating through the water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 685
You deserved it 12 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hawkie409 0


As a lifeguard, and a lot of my coworkers agree, were not very impressed by a good dive or a fast swimmer or anything. So point blank you were actually wasting your time and ruined every chance you would have had with her. Because now she just laughs at you.

Good dive, bro! Judges score an 8, two 9s and a 10.

One time I went to a water park and went down this big slide-type of ride. afterwards, a lady came up to me and told me to cover myself. My bikini top was out of place, you could see everything.

thejerk56 8
autumn16 0

okayy well no worrys right? well only if yu had something to impress her with. I'm sure the uhmm how do you say "showing" did more than the dive?

Mx4life308 0

is the person who tried to impress the hot lifeguard dead?

cobaltstorms 0

Did you impress him/her with your dinky? :D