By IncompatibleMetier - 09/10/2014 23:07 - France

Today, and for a long time, I've had a phobia of schools. I'm extremely stressed out about starting in a new school. Normal, right? Yes, except that I'm the teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 427
You deserved it 166

Top comments

But OP said he has had a phobia of schools for a long time, why become a teacher?


martin8337 35

I can't think of a better way to overcome any phobia than to face it head on.

Why did you become a teacher then? I think you'll be fine. If it's really that bad - and if it is I really have no idea why you would become a teacher - then you can always put your degree to use and become a private tutor or tutor at a tutoring agency. Maybe you can study a new career while you do that. Just a suggestion.

soon you know it will get over that anxiety...

shellyluv 23

I think you're in the wrong profession.

Mysterious_one 26

Completely normal. You are entitled to feel nervous as much as anybody else.

Could you become a on-line teacher instead?

I don't blame you for being stressed out the kids today will do that to any teacher