By 19apollo91 - 09/05/2011 17:33 - United Kingdom

Today, an unpaid intern had his first day at my workplace of seven years. As a joke, my boss gave him the same challenge she gave me on my first day. The intern completed it in 37 minutes. We've always been told it's impossible. Guess we all have to start working harder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 433
You deserved it 33 270

19apollo91 tells us more.

The challenge was to create a protocol for measuring the thickness of double and triple glazed windows (none of which open) around the company's building. Nothing to do with our actual jobs, most of us just figured it was a trick to get the new guys caught staring out of windows. He won't tell me his method...

Top comments


OmfgFmlGirlKillM 0

OP= Original Poster... = the person whom submitted the FML.. = not you..OR. Optimus Prime.. not sure which?!?

Wow, 59, You're not supposed to tell themiS hate you.

BooGhosted 0
FMLandurstoo 9

how will I sleep 61, 62, and 79 .. what a tool

psychwardnurse 0

YDI for not knowing what op means!! dur dur dur! it obviously means Origami Platypus... right? Right?!?

because they don't want people to ASSume that they work at mcDonalds;)

kinga08 0

OP, based on your profile, you've been working for the same company since you were 13. Is it even legal to work at that age in England? Just a thought...

so you mean in this shitty economy you are now just realizing that hard work may actually pay off

It sounds like OP has been working there since they were very young. So, since an intern (probably needing class credit) most likely has higher-level training in this field, and it's not surprising they completed a challenge relevant to the job.

gabr131 0

looks like someone might get replaced!!