By Miss_Kristen - 26/02/2012 15:31 - United States

Today, an African-American family came into the restaurant at which I work. They said, "Jackson, party of 5." After I laughed, I realized they were serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 387
You deserved it 34 409

Same thing different taste


You shoulda broke into some hardcore dancing and singing from Jackson 5

YummiGummi 0

OHHHH BABEH give me one more chaaance, to show ya that I love ya

Wow, so people named Jackson aren't allowed to have exactly 5 family members. I never knew that. Douchebag.

Where did it say that they weren't ALLOWED? Seems like OP isn't yhe douchebag, but you.

Nope Michael Jackson's family has a copyright on having five members. If you are a family of four you must have twins if you want a larger family. ;p

It's called laughing at a coincidence...

xCrazyMexican 4

Oh I get it now that's kinda lame :/ racist bastards

Mr_Que_Dijo23 5

A-B-C , it's easy as ... No? Okay your table is this way

MissMcFly 6

lol I wouldve done the same thing