By tigerisabelle - 06/02/2014 03:39

Today, after years of counseling and therapy for my anger issues, I snapped. Two words: Flappy Bird. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 374
You deserved it 14 745

tigerisabelle tells us more.

Hey guys, OP here. I did not know how damaging Flappy Bird was to the brain until my friend convinced me to play it, and it's been a downhill road ever since. I literally smashed into the first pipe 40 times in a row, and got more frustrated every time. So I'm supposed to count to ten when I'm feeling "irrational rage" but instead, I just pressed start. (oops...) I threw my phone through a window. The phone is shockingly okay, except it still has Flappy Satan. Yeah, that game is straight from the depths of hell.

Top comments

It's okay! We all hope that bird burns amongst the depths of hell.


As in, you snapped your phone? Lol that's what I get tempted to do playing that soul crushing game.

Hey guys, OP here. I did not know how damaging Flappy Bird was to the brain until my friend convinced me to play it, and it's been a downhill road ever since. I literally smashed into the first pipe 40 times in a row, and got more frustrated every time. So I'm supposed to count to ten when I'm feeling "irrational rage" but instead, I just pressed start. (oops...) I threw my phone through a window. The phone is shockingly okay, except it still has Flappy Satan. Yeah, that game is straight from the depths of hell.

JustStella 28

Ha! That's terrible. Curiosity got the best of me and I gave it a try. Thank God I have a lab report due, cause I can already see the pull this game can have on me.

emirie 21

You sound like my sister, she threw her Xbox360 out of the window because of a game. Although she might be a little more extreme than you.

Delete the game and never look back OP. It's going to be the death of everyone soon

I knew it was frustrating but I wanted to try it anyway smh. I was curious what all the fuss was about. But I stopped playing it after like 5 tries of not getting past the first pipe and then getting past one only to fail again twice more after that

I tried for the same reason. First few goes were pretty bad. Never got above 5. Though didn't give it more then 15 min before becoming bored and deleting it. Which is sad because I get sucked into games easily. Maybe my brain set up a save yourself barrier.

I got to 23 and now I can't get past 20. It's driving me nuts!!

Pareidolia101 15

I don't understand how that game can be so addicting for most people. I only played it for like 5 minutes and got bored of it.

My boyfriend managed to get 95, I think he might be a wizard.

inkdeath87 18

Try Squishy Bird. You smash that ******* bird with the pipes.

Do what I did, delete that son of a bitch!

I instead play Outlast on PS4. Playing this game does not get me angry, ******** my pants does.

Trust me and just delete that app! I downloaded Flappy Bird for 10 minutes and played it like 20 times only getting a high score of 3. The amount of self control it takes to delete Satan Bird is huge but worth it. Mostly all I can say is good luck

I've heard the name of the game before but only looked it up today. Saw a couple of gameplay videos on YouTube. I have but one conclusion: people's taste is getting worse by the second. this game plays horrible, looks horrible, feels horrible and sounds horrible. even the name... flappy bird? give me a break. it's not even original in ANY way. there's a million "touch to rise, avoid obstacles" games, most of them are way better than this and just get totally overlooked. **** everyone who made this game popular.

If it makes you happy, it got taken down today.

Flappy Satan is the best name ever for that app... Ever...

You must be so happy that it was deleted by the creator from the app store… I have no clue why but while playing games on screens, I usually don't have a problem with rage and addiction. I still understand how Flappy Bird got to you though. I played it after seeing this post and I'm one of the only people at my school who's not addicted.

sweetprettykitty 10

I love that game!! I've been having such a blast with it! It's only been 5 days with it and I'm at level 55...but now can't get any further Lol. And believe me I don't actually spend as much time playing it as most of you would believe I do.

sweetprettykitty 10

**** YES, 83 now!!! Not rubbing it in, I'm just so happy I need to share!!

emily4040 18

I deleted flappy bird and it downloaded the same day like 3 hours later I was freaked out.

hey op. the bird is coming back in august. im not lying.

You have to feel bad for the guy who made it though. The reason he took it off the App Store is because he was receiving death threats.

I recall playing on my boyfriend's phone when he came down to see me. I was content to surpass 10, but it was like a little voice inside my head was telling me "you can do better". The game's weird like that; it has an odd way of making you think "ok, this time will be different" every time you fail.

I really hope you don't get into clan wars...that might become fatal...

CallMeCake 12

Flappy bird must have come from the depths of hell just like those sugar free haribo gummy bears

The trick is to curse at it with every tap. This game is an evil demon spawn sent from the pits of hell.

fluffywaspluka 7
Medd_fml 13

From the description in the app store, Flappy Bird looked incredibly easy. And what's better than some easy game to pass time? When I play it, I'm never satisfied with my last score, so I keep playing. It's very frustrating, but Ill probably never delete it until I find a better game. Anyone who's played it gets frustrated and kind of obsessive over it. Regardless of the obvious, everyone loves a challenge.

arandomusernameaa 20

He is a smart ass! Awesome he will need that in the future

A game where you try to avoid pipes as a bird and dodge through as many holes between pipes. It's rather difficult because it's hard to be very accurate with the controls.