By iAlissa - 13/03/2015 18:36 - United States - San Francisco

Today, after weeks of oral pain and hundreds of dollars in dentistry fees, we found the culprit: a popcorn kernel that floss was unable to remove. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 928
You deserved it 3 573

iAlissa tells us more.

There was indeed lots of blood. It was lodged so deep between my molar and my wisdom tooth that they essentially had to surgically remove it. :(

Top comments

Damn those are awful. Even if you were able to get it out, it'd be 38 hours later, after all your attempts it would have come out on its own after you gave up, and you'd have already flossed your gums till the bled trying to get that out.

Sometimes what pops up might surprise you.


Sometimes what pops up might surprise you.

It's a corny way to end up at the dentist.

The FML community is reverting back to how it use to be! disliking most if not all comments

At least it's out and no longer causing you pain!

and this is why I have fears of popcorn...

It was awful! They pulled it out and I felt like an utter dumbass.

kind of weird if this is your FML #39, considering you are from Colorado and the OP is from California

It is in fact mine but as I posted it anonymously I do not show up as the author. :/ not sure how to fix that either

chef4money 12

I believe you can contact the moderators, they have fixed issues like this before so it will show you as the op.

Lol... You need a new dentist dont they do xrays

I'm pretty sure popcorn doesn't show up on radiographs..

She needs a new flosser. I prefer water-flossers, they are better in my opinion.

I did use my water flosser - it never gets my molars well. Of course I tried actual floss too haha

She needs a new dentist because this one is so blind he can't see something the size of a popcorn kernel stuck in her teeth.

it's the little things that surprise us.

Wow, not gonna lie, that's a little corny.

That sucks, it's like having surprise spacers. (What, did you expect a CORNy comment?)

Thats so kerny. Wow thats a bad try at a pun.

Damn those are awful. Even if you were able to get it out, it'd be 38 hours later, after all your attempts it would have come out on its own after you gave up, and you'd have already flossed your gums till the bled trying to get that out.

There was indeed lots of blood. It was lodged so deep between my molar and my wisdom tooth that they essentially had to surgically remove it. :(

Well that doesn't sound pleasant. How's your mouth doing?

Not everyone needs their wisdom teeth removed

Doing well! And I don't need to get my wisdoms removed:) they're very small.

Seeing as how popcorn kernels got stuck between the molar and the wisdom tooth, I think they should be removed to stop it from happening again. That's why they are typically removed. They create food traps that can cause infection exactly like what happened here.

71, I have had my wisdom teeth removed and I still get food stuck between my last 2 molars instead. Actually I had the exact same thing happen to me that happened to OP but between my back molars.

Ignore all these people telling you to get your wisdom teeth removed. Last time I checked most random strangers on the internet did not have degrees in dentistry. Listen to your dentist, and if they recommend they're removed get a second opinion to make sure they aren't just trying to have you pay for more unnecessary surgery.

Jellysweetheart 23

Even if they're small, they should be removed. My dad still has his and now has a ton of problems because of them.

72- yes food can get stuck between your molars too, however those are much easier to floss out. Wisdom teeth are sometimes weird in their orientation and this can cause issues like OP had. If they were oriented correctly, I doubt a kernel could get so lodged down there she would need surgery to remove it. If she wants to avoid this in the future, she should simply remove them.

Adrian_Robber 6

I'm sorry OP must of hurt extremely bad hope you feel better eat some ice cream it will numb the pain and make it feel better hope for the best of you :)

Just so you anti-wisdom advocates know, in most counties wisdom teeth aren't routinely removed and we manage just fine. Sounds very very painful :( Popcorn is the food of the devil.

I think the only reason I would get them removed is if they started making my other teeth move. However they're hard to get to and I'm worried about developing cavities in the future.

oh gosh i hate kernals. especially the little slivers of kernals. i hate when children eat popcorn cause im afraid they'll choke on one! boycotting it.

That's not generally why they're removed. 97% of the time they remove them because they're impacted in the gums.

1dvs_bstd 41

I fill so bad for you. Whenever you eat popcorn, be wary.. now you know the drill.