By future missing person maker person thingy - 11/10/2012 20:37 - Canada - Lloydminster

Today, after saving up for weeks, I bought myself an iPad. Because mine is better than the one my parents bought my ten-year-old brother, he got pissed and threw it into our pool. I'm now grounded for getting angry and calling him a bastard in the aftermath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 239
You deserved it 2 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I hope he got grounded too, at least! Spoiled brat. My parents would have beat my bottom if I pulled an ignorant stunt like that. That is, if I was ever blessed to have such technology when I was his age.

TheOath 12

Throw his iPad in the pool!! You got grounded anyway so why not? Unless the brat ends up getting another one, aw damn.

I live in Saskatchewan too. Want to be my girlfriend? I'll buy you an iPad for Christmas.

"After saving up for weeks" - how often do you get money? :S

ruthlessmofo 0
staceyvan1991 3

And he didn't get in trouble?

There goes a shitload of money because apple is expensive

Make him stand outside for a few hours (lock him out)... Doing that in Saskatoon fall is punishment enough. If it was winter, you'd be violating Geneva convention for torturing your POW.