By sma93 - 17/12/2016 18:30 - United States - Baldwin

Today, after my work's Christmas party, everyone got so drunk that I had to help one of my only sober co-workers take everyone home and clean up vomit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 715
You deserved it 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I do not drink at all so when things start to get out of hand (believe me, a restaurant once told us they have never sold so much alcohol in a day until we held our party there and lets just say there was vomit everywhere along with a broken table), I take off. This might make me sound like a bad person, but it does not since management hands out taxi chits to those who are incapable of driving home themselves.

Been there =/ You should start looking for better company. And I don't mean non-drinkers, just obviously not the binge drinking ones that can't seem to hold their liquor.


I would not have. Call a clean up service or leave them in their own vomit.

SilentSin 23

I get the driving everyone home for safety. But cleaning up their vomit? Hard no.

I do not drink at all so when things start to get out of hand (believe me, a restaurant once told us they have never sold so much alcohol in a day until we held our party there and lets just say there was vomit everywhere along with a broken table), I take off. This might make me sound like a bad person, but it does not since management hands out taxi chits to those who are incapable of driving home themselves.