By Depressed and clueless - 24/10/2018 15:00 - United States - Manhattan

Today, after months of being told I'm just being paranoid, my hallmates admitted and proved that there really is a dorm-wide conspiracy to socially isolate me. I don’t know what I did wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 567
You deserved it 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously? An entire dorm… PLANNING to ostracize one person for unknown reasons. Have you asked why yet since posting this, ‘cause this is really ******* stupid if they didn’t tell you why.

that's awful op, I hope you can transfer dorms


Sounds like everyone in your dorm are absolute dicks, I wouldn't waste your time feeling bad because they are shitty people. Make friends in your classes or join a campus social group to make friends, and move out of that dorm as soon as you can. I'd film some of them admitting to it and take it to the administration.

AxelRose 6

Oh my god...That's horrible...Why would you do that to someone..? This is the kind of stuff that completely breaks people. This is why School Shootings happen. And this is what causes severe Social Anxiety. Report these monsters. And if you need a virtual hug, I'm here for you. You probably did nothing wrong.