By itsnotyouitsme - 20/04/2016 18:54 - United States - San Francisco

Today, after breaking up with my boyfriend of 2 years, I was backing out of his driveway when he came running out yelling "STOP!" I thought he wanted to make up so I kept going, until I'd run over his dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 319
You deserved it 35 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You seriously deserve this... F his life for being broken up with and having his dog run over in one day.

What if a kid was there?! Anytime someone waves their arms frantically and yells stop while you are driving, you should probably stop. And poor dog :(


itwasntme14 19

YDI it for not making sure that there was nothing behind you, I don't blame you for not stopping, I wouldn't have either if I was in that situation, but that doesn't mean you ignore your surroundings. Either way it was still an accident so don't take what I say or what anyone else on here says too seriously.

itwasntme14 19

That was my point op should've been paying attention to what was in the path of her vehicle, so if some was to "run or move" into her way she could stop

because all dogs are visible in the rearview mirror

Thasnoxi 8

1 YDI 2 were you not looking back? Were you looking in the mirror? Turn your ass around when you back up

I mean, how stupid do you need to be? I have a dog, and if I run yelling stop, fearing that my dog is about to be crushed, I'd have an expression on my face that can't be possibly confused with me wanting to make up. She even capitalized STOP, which means he really meant it. And she just went anyway

Why didn't the boyfriend call his dog? I mean yeah yell stop, but cal the ******* dog too

So you have the magical talent to yell two things at once? He obviously also wasn't expecting her to you know keep ******* reversing. Also most driveways aren't that long so from the time he yelled stop and her continuing to reverse and hitting his dog wouldn't have been enough time to call his dog. Kind of a dumb comment to make really.

It could also have been a dog that doesn't like to listen. Our small dog only goes outside on a leash or tied outside, so the few times she's gotten loose she just zips around all excitedly and doesn't readily listen to being called. Also humans are usually more responsive to commands like "stop" than dogs are.

My first instinct would be to call the dog then yell stop. I know my dog listens better than most people lol

dogs aren't robots. If they are not super trained service dogs, when they are excited they are not gonna listen.

None of my dogs are super trained guard dogs and I have never had a problem with them listening when they were excited. And my dogs also know a whistle command that tells them to tear ass to where I'm at. It takes a lot of time, effort, and patience but it is doable. And my dogs aren't robots and they are still giant goofballs.

I feel bad for the dog, but people really shouldn't let their dogs run around where cars drive, I trained my dog so she will sit by my front door if she isn't on a leash when a car pulls up. not really a ydi because his dog shouldn't have been running around in the driveway.

Translation- I'm perfect and have the perfect dog and they don't so whatever happens is like totally their fault.

@103, it's being realistic. One of my dogs isn't completely trained yet so it's our job as her owners to make sure she's safe. That means only letting her out when she's supervised or tethered in the yard. It's the owner's job to reduce the risk of harm to their pets if they can.

Yeah and if kids had been playing outside, it wouldn't really be a ydi either because parents need to keep their kids on leash or sitting by the door right ?? She would have hit a child with her car only because humans lets their offspring play outside, what a silly idea. The amount of people who shouldn't be allowed to drive in this comment section is disturbing.

@154, I don't where you live but typically where I'm from (Louisiana) the kids play in the backyard where no cars are. If your kid doesn't know not to run behind cars that typically means you need to supervise them and teach them to watch out better because people who are driving are dumb and get distracted.

Dogs escape out the door easily. If OP left the house without being careful, the dog could have run out after her. That's not the owners fault. Dogs get out sometimes, which is why you should be aware of your surroundings and stop when you're told to. As a driver, OP is responsible for making sure the way is clear before she left, so yeah it is her fault.

I live in an apartment complex where there is no such thing as backyards, it's just buildings, sidewalks and streets. You can't keep kids locked inside all the time and when they're on parking lots, people know they need to be careful. So they're careful and accidents don't happen. It's really not complicated.

I think everyone jumping to say you deserve what you got are thinking a bit too emotionally. Yes, when someone yells "STOP!" when you're driving a car you should, but I get why you didn't stop. Hitting the poor doggie sounds like a total accident, FYL and FHL.

@60: I agree because I am sure there are more people here who would have done the same thing and not just because they thought they were trying to be made up with, but simply not to be around that person anymore depending on how the breakup went. Some people make it seem like she purposely ran the dog over.

DeadxManxWalking 27

Hope you read these comments OP

YDI. Even if it wasn't to make up you could've stopped.

Well looks like he's going to hate you forever, maybe that'll teach you to stop when somebody says stop.