By secret meat - 21/06/2014 02:04 - United States - Framingham

Today, after being a vegetarian for 5 years, I found out that my boyfriend of 2 years has secretly been feeding me meat. His reason is that he thinks it's "funny" that I still call myself a vegetarian afterwards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 939
You deserved it 9 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shartie 16

Maybe you should meat a better boyfriend?

Put something horrible in his food. Or feed him Spam.


Your boyfriend is a totally Ass hole

your boyfriend sounds like an arse.. time for a new one

beanthemouse 13

I bet there are gonna be some people here saying "Don't worry and just have a steak!". I am a meat eater and I say telling a vegetarian to eat meat or to sneak meat into their diet is disgusting. My boyfriend is a vegetarian and that does not make him any less cool and I would never do such a horrid thing! I even would not eat meat in front of him. This could have been fatal if the person was veg due to allergies! But obviously to some people it is worth it... Just so they can eat meat... Some people are veg because of religion, and you should never force someone to go against their beleifs. Like telling a Christian to stop celebrating Christmas! Its barbaric! Even if she was veg for the sake of "saving" animals, it is not right to force someone to eat meat when they do not want it. And people say crazy vegetarians are bad, look at how mean some meat eaters can be! Just live and let live, eat and let eat! Besides, oreos are vegan, cannot argue with oreos XD OP, I suggest you kick him in the meat and break up with the ********. Find a vegetarian guy (just not a PETA guy) or a guy who would not do that.

KittehFreak 25

Ask yourself: is he still worth it after messing with your lifestyle? If he is, great, but damn he has to be a really good guy. If he isn't, drop him. Drop him and don't look back.

find out how long he has been doing this and tell him no sex for the amount of time he has done it. 2 years of this means 2 years of no sex

...I'll be honest, I would never speak to him again. But that's just me.

You as a person may be bothered by what he did but your body would probably thank him.

wouldn't you know the taste of meat t realized he had been feeding it to you

try being a vegan and let mr know the difference