By VerbalDiarrhea - 08/01/2012 07:34 - United States

Today, after 3 hours in a cramped car with my family, we stopped at a gas station. I got out of the car and the first words out of my mouth were, "It feels so good to be able to walk!" That's when I noticed the elderly man sitting in a wheelchair only a few meters away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 993
You deserved it 12 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Look right at him and say, "You oughta try it, you lazy, old fart!" In a situation like that, apologizing just makes things worse, so you might as well go the way down the Asshole Road. It's a one-way street.

If I was the guy in the wheelchair, I would have run your ass over.


For all the man knows, you could have just got done with years of agonizing physical therapy.

GoW_Chick 14

Just casually walk by and throw him a polite hello like nothing happened, he will think you're just an idiot, and then go buy a icee they make everything better.

perdix 29

It would be better if you bought two Icees and gave him one. Of course, you could make it worse and hold his Icee way over his head and say, "Jump for it, monkey, jump!"

GoW_Chick 14

Ahh messing with the old cripple guy, fun for the whole family....

perdix 29

... and the staff of the gas station, and the other customers there. Fun for just about everyone but the old, cripple guy. Sometimes you gotta suck it up to bring a giggle to the rest of the world.

GoW_Chick 14

You are right because "when you laugh the world laughs with you, when you cry the world laughs harder", better to just go with the flow.

perdix 29

Good one! I hadn't seen that quote in its expanded form. I guess that's the operating principle of reality TV and FML.

monnanon 13

It seems to me that people really overestimate how sensitive others are. Not every disabled person is going to have a go at someone for a passing comment that may refer to them, hell if that was the case i could freak out about 5 times a day to people who refer to themselves as "spaz" when they do something silly or clumsy( I have cerebal pulsey). Seriously OP I wouldnt worry, the man probably didn't consider what you said and by apologising you will draw attention to the fact that you think he should be offended by what you say. That would be a lot worse than just letting the comment stand as it is.

I don't think the man was necessarily hurt by the OP's comment either. She wasn't aiming it at him or anything; and since the OP is at a gas station he probably put two and two together and knew what she meant.

bitchslapped22 14

Also since he's elderly he most likely is just handicapped because of his age, so he's done his fair share of walking over the years

hateevryone 14

just apologize just in case it offended him.

dont apologize old are wise they know what op meant your old folks can teach you much dead or alive or handicapped

That was just unlucky, but I'm sure he's more than used to hearing stuff like that from people, and I would've reacted the same. Sitting in a cramped car is way more uncomfortable than lounging in a computer chair.

Nice going ass hole!!! Lol Kidding! Go apologize now!

Did he pick up the wheelchair and kick the crap out of you?