By whatjusthappened - 20/12/2013 08:45 - United States - Federal Way

Today, a man started a deep conversation with me at the bus stop about life, death, and the miracles of things we take for granted every day. I was really enjoying it until he looked at his watch and said, "Oh shit, mushrooms make me lose track of time!" and ran off into the night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 156
You deserved it 4 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For some reason "ran off into the night" cracked me up. It just makes it seem that it was a mythic creature that you're not sure if you really saw or not


no it shouldn't be fml. it should be wtf or instead

That was the wisest man you will ever meet ^^

He was still a nice guy and provided you with stimulating conversation, who cares that he was on shrooms ?

alex101676 8

why does it matter if the dude was on mushrooms. if you enjoyed the conversation who cares.

I see nothing wrong with this scenario. He was on mushrooms, and thusly very full of emotion. Just because he was sincere doesn't mean he was incoherent... You deserve it, because you deserve love

Why else have some of the greatest scientific minds of the modern generation used psychoactive drugs? Sometimes it freaks you out, but other times it opens doorways in our minds. Hell, Francis Crick, one of the men who discovered DNA, did acid. As well as Steve Jobs, for crying out loud! Jobs said experimenting with LSD was one of the most important events of his life. As well as Bill Gates, and the inventor of the Sensory Deprivation Tank, and many, many other big names, and most likely a great deal of small names too. I'm guessing the guy you talked to was just another smaller mind waiting for its break to make it big. A personal anecdote? Why sure! When I took mushrooms on the beach, I came up with one of my all time favorite fictional/original characters of mine. That was years ago, and they're still with me today as I write.

Are you Jeff Dunham? Because that is probably how he came up with the character for Peanut....