By Anonymous - 28/06/2013 19:41 - United States - Chicago Ridge

Today, a girl from my college, who's been following me around for months, finally asked me out. Not being interested, I politely declined. Now she's convinced everyone that we hooked up and that I have an incredibly small penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 811
You deserved it 7 457

Same thing different taste


I can imagine this happening in highschool but college!? Wow. tell everyone she has gangrene in her va jay jay.

Don't even listen to it. If that is the kind of person she is, I bet she's done this kind of thing before and everyone who knows her doubts her, and the ones who don't know her probably don't care anyway.

Those that matter, won't care. Those that care, don't matter.

As long as they know you're sane and she's not, you'll be fine

pinguino3669_fml 23

Well it would be semi-awkward dating your stalker

wednesdaychica06 9

you should have killed her ego by saying... "you just have a big ****** you didn't feel it go in"

Just don't care. "I heard that you have a small penis." "No, I told her I didn't want to date her and so she started spreading rumors about me..." "Wow, that's low.... Can I touch your junk?" "Of course!" See, don't sweat it bro.

What's wrong with having another notch on the bedpost. At least the chicks now know you aren't gay and not all chicks have a problem with small penis. Having a huge penis is over rated. Most of the time they put their hand back there to keep me from going too deep. Be thankful someone actually said they ****** ya.

vegeta77 4

Sure they do. Your fantasy life sounds interesting.

Why not get it out and disprove her? Someone on my campus had to for the same reason,