By Kevin - 29/12/2011 19:32 - France

Today, a friend told me over MSN that her father had died. Trying to express some solidarity, I went to send her a tearful smiley. I accidentally sent her the dancing pig animation instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 330
You deserved it 31 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It may have cheered her up. You never know. P.S., why would you send a "cheerful smiley" to cheer her up?

That's the perfect oink-ment for healing! Okay whatever.. That sucked.


alyssana 0

because obviously you're so concerned if you're using Smileys to convey condolences.

shrekus 0

Theisland: Once again you ride my ass about grammar. But that's ok, because I'll start proof reading my comments before I hit send. I guess my iPhone can't do everything for me...

shrekus 0

And I wasn't hating on his comments... I actually enjoy reading them.

Typing out words and expressing yourself coherently is step number one. You failed and tried to do something quick and sloppy and it backfired on you.

shadow10262000 7

Who doesn't love a good pun. Well played.

Why are the FMLs translated from French always the funniest?

As long as it wasn't the lady who laughs out loud. THAT would've been awkward.

creedaddict 9