By justwantingtohelp - 16/08/2013 05:02 - United States - Highland

Today, a child was choking in the store I work at. He was alone in the aisle, so I started the Heimlich without his parents' permission. After dislodging what was caught, his mother turned the corner and went screaming to my manager for touching her kid. I got a write up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 610
You deserved it 3 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redwolf56 2

Parents have no common sense these days

Hey OP. At least you saved a life. Many people would have just walked by


I've been there OP. I was doing after school care when a kid ran out of the school and down the busy road, so I ran after them and then held their hand as we walked back so they wouldn't take off again. Got in trouble for touching the kid.

Gee, if someone saved my child's life, I'd be grateful. People can be so damn stupid.

Wow, people like this really piss me off. If the mother was actually doing her job as a parent, which 90% of the population doesn't do anymore, this whole situation could have been avoided. OP, you did a good thing, and the bitch had no right to crucify you over it. You did not deserve to get written up, and I hope you told her that if she'd been watching her damn kid, you wouldn't have had to intervene. Ugh! People make me sick!

Seriously dude, you saved a life. I would trade my job any day to save the life of a child. Good job man, chin up, you are a hero. Who cares what your boss thinks.

Please give us an update OP, your boss sounds like a dick, he should of listened to both sides and asked the kid also. Fail on the mums part for being out in public and not notice that her child was choking.

It's a lose/lose. Help a child live, get punished. Ignore the choking child, get punished.

an3ph 20

You did the right thing, my friend. You saved a kid's life. Take that to bed and sleep on it.

The struggle here is deciding who looks worse: the mom for complaining or the employer for acting on it. Would your management rather you let choking patrons die? Can't see how that works out better for them.

She cannot do that, because the child is under 18 and the parent wasn't in sight, consent to assist is implied. children aren't allowed to make that decision and if there's no parent, it is assumed the parent would give you permission to help