By justwantingtohelp - 16/08/2013 05:02 - United States - Highland

Today, a child was choking in the store I work at. He was alone in the aisle, so I started the Heimlich without his parents' permission. After dislodging what was caught, his mother turned the corner and went screaming to my manager for touching her kid. I got a write up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 610
You deserved it 3 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redwolf56 2

Parents have no common sense these days

Hey OP. At least you saved a life. Many people would have just walked by


Heimlich, yeah, you're lucky it turned out fine, cause most cases you'll **** someone up trying that movie shit. You're meant to lean them forward and do back blows.

You legally can fight the right up. Good Samaritan laws state that you can help the child without permission if his parents aren't in eye sight. These are American laws so if you life here in the states just look them up an you could have your right up removed.

You did the right thing OP. However, the mother could learn a thing or two..

Do a first aid course. The Heimlich manoeuvre hasn't been approved practice for choking for years, particularly for children.

Well, that's strange, as it's still being taught in first aid courses... Heimlich is still being used all over the world, as there is still no reliable alternative for this situation. And to save someones life, I'd rather use a somewhat 'incorrect' procedure, instead of not doing anything at all...

People are dumb, you should fight that write up

If there are cameras in the store tell your supervisor to watch the tape

As a former child now living because of someone like you, THANK YOU! Nothing better than saving a life. You'll always be a hero to that kid. Ask your boss for a still from the security camera, to frame as a keepsake -- and to send to his boss if the write-up isn't changed to a commendation.

ewv023 7

Good for you for saving the kid OP! As long as you asked the kids permission, you shouldn't have gotten written up, though. People these days... *sigh*