By worksucker - 05/07/2011 05:34 - United States

Today, 30 minutes before I was supposed to quit work at 6pm, my boss showed up. After telling him how the day went, he asked why I was still there. Apparently, for the holiday, we close early. 4 hours earlier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 569
You deserved it 7 491

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He didn't say anything earlier cause he wanted you to "accidentally" work extra probably without pay.

RathaPride02 6

Where do you work? Didnt you notice no one was there?


ohhsnappitsme 15

I guess your boss can say you're a dedicated employee?

So what went through your mind when all of the employees went home early? Apparently nothing.

What if they work alone, where each shift there's only one person in the store? My store's like that. There are only four employees, and when one's working, the rest are off.

At least you got some extra sales for the store. Your boss better pay you for that.

516 people are rude arrogant ****** assholes.

This isn't youtube where you compare the dislike bar to "Justin Bieber's penis" or how "10,000,000 people like sucking Justin Bieber's penis"

as long as you get payed for overtime it's all good.

You never had a slight thought to ask?? YDI. Most business' close early to some degree on holidays.

panda_chick 2

lol my boss did that to us yesterday he called at the last minute and was like o forgot to tell y'all we close early today 0.o

sparxva 12

That's when you say you're trying to use the opportunity to get a jump on tomorrow. Duh!

then why exactly was your boss coming into work if the store was supposed to be closed?