TMI Mom!

By KtSue - 12/11/2012 05:25 - United States

Today, my mom has officially lost 100 pounds due to a lap-band surgery. After sharing her excitement, she also shared her troubles. She said, "Everything hangs now, even my cooter. Can they fix that?" Thank you for the mental image, mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 515
You deserved it 1 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't leave us hanging, OP, what happened? Was it curtains for her cooter, or does the pendulum still swing?

saIty 17

Tell her to pull it back with some rubberbands and clothespins.


perdix 29

It must be tough to find out one of your parents is a swinger.

I'm not sure what she expected from you. "Nice try mom! How do I know your turkey neck wasn't already hanging? Just push it up and staple it like everyone else."

winkydog4056 16

Nooooo! This is wrong, just plain wrong! Mothers, lap band or not, should NOT be discussing their cooters/va-jay-jays/hoo-has, with their offspring, unless they want to pay for therapy after they've mentally scarred them for life.


No, thank YOU for that image.. FML

lemonademixer 7

AWWWWK - WAAAARD - the call of the Awk Bird (Native to disturbing situations.

More like FHL. If she now has a saggy ******, then that really freaking sucks...