TMI Mom!

By KtSue - 12/11/2012 05:25 - United States

Today, my mom has officially lost 100 pounds due to a lap-band surgery. After sharing her excitement, she also shared her troubles. She said, "Everything hangs now, even my cooter. Can they fix that?" Thank you for the mental image, mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 515
You deserved it 1 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't leave us hanging, OP, what happened? Was it curtains for her cooter, or does the pendulum still swing?

saIty 17

Tell her to pull it back with some rubberbands and clothespins.


That's disgusting…. It's in my head now too

congrats to your mom. glad that yall have an open relationship where yall can share stuff. but tell her tmi!

She definetly let the cat out of the bag on this one.

RoughlyThat 4

F your mom's life for your response.. lap bands aren't magic and it's a helluva lot of work and mental strength to monitor your weight afterwards, and even more to deal with the unintended consequences.. good on her for losing those pounds, for her constructive outlook on the skin-tightening thing, and for being open and comfortable enough to share these thoughts with you.

Are you an idiot? Wait, don't answer that. Its pretty obvious already. How was OP's response negative or discouraging? Did you even read the ******* FML? OP WAS being encouraging, all the way up until the mom gave her vivid detail about the condition of her ******. Don't comment if you're going to miss the whole ******* point of the FML.

RoughlyThat 4

Had you, in turn, read my comment carefully, you might have noticed that I wrote that I commend the mother for being able to speak so openly and trustingly to the OP, and reproached the OP for the fact that all they could come up with was "ewww, didn't need that" - not for any other act or opinion of theirs.

No, i read your comment, and it's still going WAY over your head. The point of the FML is that The mom gave OP too much unnecessary information, not that OP is disgusted (which, by the way, most people would be if their mom told them their ****** was drooping). You're being a hypocrite by damning OP for being disgusted, because I can almost guarantee you would be too, no matter the verbal response.

RoughlyThat 4

Since I've actually been there - and by "been there", I mean both "having been told" and subsequently "having been shown" - I can in turn guarantee you that my first, and lasting, emotion wasn't disgust, but being overwhelmed at the level of trust.

Really? "Oh mom, I'm so flattered you trust me enough to tell me about your saggy cooter!" Yeah, I doubt it. And you're STILL missing the point. OP IS happy for her mom, but the information was UNNECESSARY. If you still don't get it, then I give up.

63- The only person you should be sharing that "having been shown" story with is a therapist. That is honestly the most disturbing thing I have ever heard.

RoughlyThat 4

@MitM: I'm positive I'll find the loss of your continued commenting manageable, so I'll just leave it at that. @Chosen: I'm the last to deny I'd benefit from repeated visits to a therapist.. but that incident certainly has nothing to do with that :)

whoa mom, no need for that, some people need to learn how to keep private matters private. sorry OP

PhishloverA 14

So since you have a mental image the only thing you can do is post that on FML so we have the mental image too? Gee thanks

jenco332002 5

Do they wobble to and fro...

Principessa101 20

They can fix that. But congratulations to your mother! That's a great achievement!