By skyplaysguitar - 30/07/2012 05:56 - United States - Las Cruces

Today, due to my boyfriend teasing me about me possibly having been conceived on a beach because I was born in Hawaii, I finally asked my mom if I really was. She said no, but then told me in detail how much sex on a beach hurts when you get sand up your ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 197
You deserved it 6 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And over there honey was the sand castle your father and I conceived your brother.(:

I honestly could give a flying crap where I was conceived...I don't see why that matters


Even if you don't have sex on the beach you still come home with sand in the most awkward places. When my daughter gets old enough and asks where she was conceived ( although this is a weird question) I'm going to say " your bed, it's the baby maker!" ; just to creep her out.

And then you can go ahead and invest in therapy. You know, just in case...

Mental images rushing through head! MAKE IT STOP!!!

Bahaha you're mom takes it up the butt!

RedPillSucks 31

sigh... Now I'll never watch sponge bob the same again. I'll probably get a woody whenever sandy the squirrel comes on. Too much???

perdix 29

A creative boyfriend would tease you that you were conceived in a volcano. Then, your mom could have regaled you with tales of your dad's man-magma!

Here4theshow 17

You set yourself up there OP.

Why would you care where u were must think highly of urself to let that bother you...grow a pair

The more you know? *star whooshes by*

I was born in Hawaii, too!!!!! Though not on the beach........ Anyways, why would you care about where you were conceived? And why would you ask your mom? Everybody knows that if you ask your parents that question, you're bound to get the following: horrible and disgusting mental images, loss of a few brain cells, nightmares, head ache, nausea, diarrhea, and the incredible urge to throw up. Now to look at the side effects of these reactions..............

Nausea is the incredeble urge to throw up.

Oh sorry, I forgot I put down nausea earlier. I didn't re-read my comment. My apologies. *goes into a dark corner*