'Tis the season to be jolly, falalala lala la la

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my mom hung her new "Christmas Clock" on the wall. It plays a different Christmas carol every hour, on the hour. It's only December 2nd and I'm already starting to understand why suicide rates sky rocket this time of year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 706
You deserved it 2 884

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My work plays Miley Cyrus Christmas songs. I work 8 hour shifts...


Samisucide 1

Not cool dude not something to even joke about

Not really something to joke about, but FYL.

Or it could be because many people can't go home to their families, or have none to go home to. But, you know...being annoyed by Christmas music is a cool reason too...

bobsanction 18

Contrary to popular belief, suicide rates actually go down during the holidays. They peak in early Spring around Valentines Day.

My mom has two of those clocks and has since I was in elementary school. They didn't bother me then and they don't bother me now. They're really not loud, so I'm not sure why you hate them so much.