Thin skinned

By cbad - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I cut my finger with a plastic knife while demonstrating that you can't cut yourself with a plastic knife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 149
You deserved it 48 763

Top comments

Ins_Knie 2

For every foolproof invention a bigger fool emerges and proves it wrong...


flockz 19

and your dad was trying to show your mom condoms don't break.

Yeah thanks for the heads up " mom throw all the plastic spoons, forks and knifes away" Mom why " Its all a lie there dangerous!!!!

pinkcrayola 0

Now demonstrate you can't cut off your finger with a metal one

Thats like demenstating that condoms dont get any1 pregnant then it breaks.....

I thought women were supposed to be skilled in the kitchen

JukeboxValkyrie 19

That's like trying to demonstrate the meaning of water-proof case by dropping your phone in the tub.

Actually that sounds pretty reasonable

It's a knife. If it can be used to cut meat, it will cut you.

To be fair, a plastic knife isn't really meant to cut through meat.

flockz 19

then what do you use it as? an anal probe?

I like your way of thinking. The fact that "anal probe" was the first thing that popped into your head proves that you are indeed a cool person =)

Whoa now, 83! Let's not jump to conclusions!

mama2b3 20
Giantsfann7 0

Ever hear of a paper cut... Of course you can cut urself with a plastic knife

Dear, did you confuse paper and plastic again?

texas_redneck88 10

Umm.....I think the short bus just left w/o you. Better go catch it

Ohhh... that's funny but ever so sad too =(

The_Troller 14

Hey, I'm riding a short bus right now and I take offense to that! Nah, just kidding. But I am riding a short bus.