The Three Bears Conundrum

By Madison43097 - 24/09/2009 20:57 - United States

Today, I was cleaning out from underneath my bed and found a used condom. I've never had sex in my own room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 780
You deserved it 2 541

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhhxGoshhxAri 0

You know, that really makes you wonder who's that was. If it's your parents, then FYL. That would be gross. :x


You had sex somehwhere else and put the condom in your room.

ellephaba101 0

do u share a room? in guessing not. fyl!

Looks like someone returned the favor

z93blitz 0
HaiImJulia 3
itssnotfunny 24

So does everyone in your house just have sex in other people's room?

people on here seem quite paranoid. It probably got stuck on someones animal...or many other reasons it could have ended up there. I doubt if people were sneaking into your room to have sex.