The old switcheroo

By Anonymous - 13/03/2013 16:14 - United States - New York

Today, I had a job interview. I didn't have any clothes suitable for the interview, so I went to the store early and bought some there. After the interview, I went to return the clothes, because they were so expensive. The hiring manager saw me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 944
You deserved it 44 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't think to get the clothes from somewhere else. You totally deserve this..

Why wouldn't you go to a different store to buy the clothes? Or at least at a different day to return them?


Should've said you need a different size or something.

Too bad mistakes aren't as easy to take back as clothes. Unlike your outfit, you're stuck with this one.

You definitely deserved that one...go to another store to "buy" clothes for your interview! Not the one you are interviewing at!!

texascutie10 1

the post a few before this one is probably the same girl...says she went to Macy's before a job interview to "test" makeup so she could look good for it. lol

I think people misunderstood the OP - when he said "the store", he didn't necessarily mean the SAME place he was interviewing at...

"so I went to the store EARLY and bought some THERE, the HIRING MANAGER saw me RETURNING THEM " implies they went to the very same store they had the interview at to buy clothes for the very same interview.

If you can go to that end to get a job, you deserve to be hired

The only reason I can see OP doing this is to show that they support and wear the brand from the store they're applying. Still, why wouldn't you buy from a different location!?

Why else would they be at the interview, just for fun?

None of the decisions made were intelligent ones. Why return the clothes IMMEDIATELY after the interview? Chances are the hiring manager is going to be at the front of the store bringing in the next interviewees, so of course they're going to see you returning the clothes. At least wait a couple days, or better yet, go to a different store where there's no risk of being seen. YDI.

I know YDI stands for You Deserved It but for some reason I always think "You're Da Idiot," in my head lol