
By souped - 10/12/2009 05:41 - United States

Today, I really wanted something to drink. I looked in the fridge, and found some of my grandma's soy milk. I took a swig, and instead of tasting soy, I tasted something rotten. Turns out my grandma knows I drink her soy milk, so she swapped it with expired chicken broth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 694
You deserved it 42 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flutist 3

Your grandmother is Epic. I don't understand why you would drink out of the carton. She's your grandmother. Have some manners. Buy your own ******* milk.

wow, that kinda sucks. way to go grandma!


olivida 0

hahhh betcha learned a nice lesson

amandabelle 0

Soy products give you man boobs...

JukeboxBunny 0

Haha your grandma doesn't want to share MILK? What a ****. Haha

Hellsno 0

Youre grandma's great !!! That's what you get for drinking out of the container you filthy slob!

EricJ 3

Usually relatives who live together share food. Do your let your grandmother eat and drink what you buy?

tdizzles 0

AHAHAHAHA GO GRAMMA!!!!! Does your Gramma look like Doris Roberts? Cause thats what Im picturing... in Gramma's Boy tho, not Everybody loves Raymond, she annoyed me in that.

npk88 0

hahahaha now that's an awesome grandma. Chances are you've been drinking her milk from the carton (which is also pretty gross) for a while and she's told you to stop; but you haven't. So now she's found a way to teach you a lesson!