Tales of the unexpected

By Ryuga - 11/06/2009 01:43 - United States

Today, I decided to confess my feelings to the girl I've had a crush on since the beginning of high school. We agreed to meet at Starbucks, but she was bringing a friend. I didn't care, because I just wanted to tell her how I felt. When I got there, I saw her making out with another girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 811
You deserved it 5 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments


My friends saw them making out in starbucks...maybe there the same?but fyl

That's hot, and to everyone who's saying THREESOME, *most* people in a relationship are completely monogamous. That doesn't change just because it's a homosexual relationship.

sbarre1 0

I'm going to assume that the OP is a girl by the phrasing "another girl." Also, I'm sorry. :(

I laugh at the idiots saying "threesomes."

thuryn 2

OP: Tell her anyway. Be warned, though. Most of these, "I've had a crush for 4151614 years," things end one of two ways. You never tell her and you hate yourself forever, or you tell her and she turns you down. So tell her how you feel, tell her it's pretty obvious that it isn't going anywhere but you just wanted her to know, and walk away. After that, pretend nothing happened. If she still wants to be your friend, she'll also pretend like nothing happened. You'll have it off your chest and you won't have ruined a friendship. If she DOESN'T want to be your friend, quite frankly, she probably wasn't worth a shit as a friend in the first place, but now you know. But regardless of the outcome, I can tell you from having done it both ways that the best way BY FAR to deal with this... is to TELL HER. Getting rejected is better than never knowing.

Woow that would make a great **** story line

how is that FML.. unless you love her. cus if it was a crush like you said you'd be loving what you just saw. hope u shut yr mouth there cus you would have ruined the moment. try again another time. best of luck!! and look at the bright side, if she is in, her gf will probably be in too.. 3some DUDE!! THen GO claim Barney Stinson's Belt!!