
By Me. - 15/12/2023 23:00 - United States

Today, during my weekly search through my daughter’s phone, I found out she joined a number of Facebook groups I didn’t know about. They were all about surviving toxic and abusive mothers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 83
You deserved it 1 896

Same thing different taste

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turnabouttrial 21

Easy YDI. Your children are humans, and humans need privacy. Helicopter parenting teaches kids how to hide things from you, not good behavior. You love her, right? Then trust her to make good decisions and be there for her when she makes mistakes, and then MAYBE you'll earn her trust too.


If she knows you look through her phone, she is probably trying to tell you something. If she doesn't she is probably right.

Honestly well deserved if you are spying on every aspect of your daughter’s life. You are teaching your daughter how to hide things especially snooping through her phone.

The fact that you're going through her phone - WEEKLY - shows exactly why she feels the need to join such groups. I get wanting to look after your kid, but depending on her age, she is entitled to privacy. But this sounds like you're being a horribly overbearing helicopter parent. Sounds like you both need help.

Wow the fact that you could write that and not realise how bad it makes you look ... You are toxic, in case you hadn't understood. Your daughter will be learning to deal with your toxic behaviour from those groups. She'll put you on an information diet, she'll learn to hide what she doesn't want you to see, and at the earliest opportunity she'll go no or low contact. Unless you take this as a lesson and a warning, and learn to behave decently towards her. I suppose it might be possible. Get to it now, start by googling "how not to be toxic".