
By robzzz - 16/02/2012 07:13 - Canada

Today, I'm forced to eat half a package of saltine crackers in my room for dinner. I can't go downstairs to the kitchen because my two roommates are going at it on our kitchen table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 666
You deserved it 3 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ahhh of course. i'll bet their goal is to do it in every room in the house, so eventually they're going to do it in your bed while you're gone!

Order pizza, get the camera ready, then wait for the delivery guy to get there. And then profit.


dianadoll 23

haha well if you can't beat em join them:)

mmblack0599 0

I would of been like, "Hey guys! How ya doin..!?!"

catman341 3

here is what you do next time. Walk in say At least she is in the right place get your food and walk out. Guaranteed to ruin there mood.

Just kick them iff the table and say "dinner time bitch"

OurLullaby 7

"DON"T GET CUM ON THE TABLE! USE A CONDOM! RUBBER BEFORE YOU RUB HER" :) Yup just yell it from your room :)

Elfkid21 19

You shoulda went to go get something to eat! you know what they were doing, so what? lol gotta do what ya gotta do!