Stressed out

By coloring is not for me - 10/11/2015 05:52 - United States

Today, in an attempt to lower my stress and anxiety, I tried out an anti-stress coloring page on my phone. I couldn't get the color to evenly fill inside the lines and it stressed me out even more, to the point where I started crying at work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 127
You deserved it 3 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I heard that music is good for relieving stress. maybe you shouls give it a try.

I always find a repetitive motion helpful, something like swimming or drumming my fingers on the table. Maybe try out those? :)


That must have made you feel blue. When you're stressed, don't yellowr scream. That never helps. Maybe if you red a book or white your own story, that would help calm your nerves. Good luck.

JustinJK 21

Were they bad enough to make you green #28?

Le_ponderer 14

OP, that colouring page was a stressor for you because it required you to be accurate. Maybe you should try stress busters like music, dance or reading some puff piece. These will require less input from you, thereby easing pressure and freeing you up to just enjoy the experience.

chill99 15

I can relate. Sometimes I get to the point where things that I do to lessen my stress actually make me more anxious. For example, I started doing an online trivia game that I enjoyed, but that soon backfired so I had to choose another game that I didn't care about so much. Try something different that eliminates whatever it is that causes you stress. Good luck!

I bought an expensive colouring book and I spent hours on one picture. More stressed than I started lol

cheshireau 26

I can't do those coloring books. I'm too picky if the colors don't match, if I make a mistake etc. The drawings are fantastic though. Sorry OP.

Nah, some of the apps that are out there are terrible and leave gaps. OP is better off with an actual colouring book.

Kneadable erasers do the trick for me =)