
By Anonymous - 26/06/2009 01:00 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were having sex. Everything was going great until I noticed a small blinking light on my shelf. It turns out that it was a camera. My mom put it there to make sure I cleaned my room. She saw the whole thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 818
You deserved it 10 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why couldn't she just walk into your room later to make sure you cleaned it, like a normal mom would do?


MzTastee 0

omg why r u screwing in ur mas house but that was funny as hell

uh.. you completely deserved that one. you should have asked what she used before you got started.

that comment was supposed to be posted on a different thread.

brit_parlin 0

that is hilarious! but i feel so bad for you. next time if i were you, i would delete that tape!!!! that sux!!! then make ur room a mess, and record yourself cleaning it again.

Eww, your mum sounds like a right creepy perv. Wouldn't she, like, be able to SEE that your room is tidy if she.. You know.. JUST WALKED IN? O_O I'm sorry, I just can't fathom why someone would put a CAMERA in their kid's room. Especially when they're, like you, at a sexual age. Golly. That is horrific.

Oh and to everyone having a go at him saying if he lives at home he shouldn't be having sex. Er, does ANYONE pay attention to the legal age of consent anymore? We're in the 21st ******* century, people. Times change. Get over yourselves :)

Dude, **** your mum! What an arsehole! Who films their kids?? That's a total invasion of your privacy. Move out.

LittleLoserGirl 0

Your mom said she put it there to make sure you clean your room? A likely story! Sure she'd only have to open the door, and peek inside the room to see if it was clean. She's just a perve, plain and simple ;)

Julietiloveyou 0

Well I hope you earsed that if you know you were going to get in major trouble. If you don't think you'll get in trouble than I hoped you f***** her hard just to show your mom to stop spying on you.

I would assume you didn't clean your room then, because otherwise you would have seen the camera. Lol.