
By slingshot - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was waiting to speak to a customer service salesman in a store. To pass time, I was playing with a rubber band. The rubber band shot off and hit the salesman smack in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 916
You deserved it 28 157


fmlissoooooofked 0

hahahahahahahaha look at 63 he looks like a gay verson of david hasselholf

TheyCallMeThumpe_fml 0

thats not an FML thats just Epic. ^.^

ydi for messing with physics instead of worshipping it.

Focker218_fml 0

Well that'll teach him to keep you waiting!

Don't feel so bad. Okay well yea feel bad but once I loaned a pal across the room a pencil during lecture and I chucked it across the room only to have it bounce off the teachers head. People love it when random objects smack their heads. I do. Hopefully you apologized.

BlackIllusion 0

Today, I was going about my own business working when some moron playing with a rubber band let it go, sending it flying right into my face. FML