
By Anonymous - 22/12/2012 11:15 - Australia

Today, I had a look through my dad's girlfriend's phone she left on the table. Best part: I now know what I'm getting for Christmas. Worst part: I now know my dad's favourite position. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 585
You deserved it 76 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LO388 7

That's what you get for snooping!

indielove 13

That's what you get for looking through someone's phone without their permission.


Why would you look through her phone in the first place?

What is wrong with you? Why were you even snooping through her phone in the first place? You are just wrong in every sense of the word wrong for it.

carminecris89 13

That's ****** up to just look at another persons phone. Your father and his girlfriend sound like they have a great relationship, and he even got you a gift, so I'm not getting why this is an fml. The stuff about his sex life is tmi, but what do you expect when you look at peoples private messages. Next time don't touch stuff that isn't yours.

What else would you expect when looking through your dad's girlfriend's phone?! And now there will be no surprise for Christmas, which sort of takes the fun out of opening gifts. YDI.

This is why you don't look through other people's stuff - YDI.

JadeWinter 16

What else did you expect to find?