Snitches get snitches

By komp6390 - 28/02/2010 13:16 - United States

Today, my roommate and I got charged $100 for having a cat in our apartment. I was only babysitting the cat so my neighbors wouldn't get caught and fined. We got caught because my roommate reported the people downstairs for having a noisy dog, so they reported that someone else in the building had a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 207
You deserved it 30 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI, but I'd hold a grudge against your roommate and the people downstairs.


Saccharide 0

"We are f*cking sick and tired of your damn yapping dog!" "You report him and we'll report your cat!" "Go ahead, b*tch! See if I care!" Your roommate probably jumped at the wonderful opportunity to report some-guy-he-has-a-vendetta-against's dog without having to pay for reciprocal charges.

it sucks but YDI. your neighbours should pay the fine.

What_bedrocks 0

Dude, vice versa....u hid the cat so your friend wouldnt get caught, and then ur roomate knew and decided to report a dog....they reported you for having a cat. Your so lame.

SkyEatsJack 4
TechniColorTears 0

did u fine theneighbors that owened the cat????

xx3ginaxx3 0

it should be "my roommate and I" ...

perdix 29

Dogs and cats are the least of the building's problems. The place is crawling with rats!

that is what you get for being a rat. since your roommate did the snitching, he/she should pay the fine. snitches always get what they deserve.

sooo you were babysitting your neghibors cat. so they wouldn't get caught. am I missing something here?