Sneaky boy

By anonymous - 15/12/2015 06:00 - United States - Huffman

Today, I decided to give my dog a bath. Instead, my dog gave me a bath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 984
You deserved it 3 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Picturing a dog holding a hose and bathing a human is something permanently burned into my memory now. Thank you for that!


This is dog owners everywhere, dogs do love to share.

myoukei 31

This is how it goes with dogs....

This isn't an FML, this is just normal mundane bullshit...

wickedhyype 17

Reverse psychology via puppy dog eyes?

Haha! I have been there! I have a mastiff that hates baths.

My mastiff/shephard loves a bath, but cutting his nails is like WWIII :P

A regular occurrence. However they're cute, cuddly and fluffy. And they, therefore, get away with it. Once again.

That's what usually happens with me and my dog :/

Mhubba123 9

I feel like you were pretending to be spongebob

but isn't that how it always goes unless you got a teacup something?